My Prayer
I pray for:
The strength and courage to do what I know I must do
The insight and determination to know and give what I am here to give
The humility and joy in feeling thankful for Life
More Peace and Love in each person’s heart, and in this volatile world
Some may believe in the scientific universal order of things, some in an afterlife of Heaven and hell, some in a personification of G’d as a benevolent loving father figure or as a vain and vengeful power. Others may believe in a ‘force’ of the energy of the universe, or in re-incarnation, or in a ‘Creator’ that began our world and stepped aside, or in ‘Fate’, or in something else. Whatever your belief system is, or has come to be, the healthiest people I know believe in something that is greater or larger and more all-encompassing than they are.
We tend to get too wrapped up in ourselves, and in the details and ups and downs in our own daily lives. When we feel our most helpless and powerless in our own circumstances, we criticize and judge what others should be and do. I try not to think in grandiose and ‘noble’ terms. I try to be and do what I can – hoping that by my taking charge of my own behavior and life, and maybe by being an example to others – that I may make some small difference. Life can be very difficult and complicated, sometimes even chaotic and melodramatic. I devote my efforts to keeping life as simple and peaceful as possible.
All of which is ‘easier said than done’.
So I pray. To what or to whom do I pray? To that which is more powerful than my petty little comfort-seeking self. Maybe this is from outside myself, or maybe it is from deep within me – I just pray for it to be with me.
The strength and courage to do what I know I must do
As children, we are told what we must do. "Clean up your room" "Do your homework". We are threatened, bribed, manipulated, and otherwise cajoled or enticed to do what we must do – even when we might prefer to play. As adults, we have to exercise self-discipline to force ourselves to do what we must do. To keep our things organized, to keep our homes clean, to go to work and ethically perform our given tasks, to keep our physical bodies and cars maintained, etc. How much easier it is to just play. We indulge ourselves in over-doing everything that feels good – or that gives us an escape from painful feelings. Eating, shopping, drinking, and addictions to drugs, gambling, etc. My dad used to say "everything in moderation". Again – easier said than done. And even when we know that self-indulgence is self-destructive, we feel like we are being good to ourselves when we give in to it. And what others tell us is not as important as the examples they set for us. In order to push myself to do whatever tasks I dislike – but know I must do – I need strength and courage.
The insight and determination to know and give what I am here to give
I sincerely believe that each of us is unique and special. That each of us has some individual way of looking at things. That the gifts we have are for a purpose. It is difficult to know what each of us is here to give. I think the effort of discerning what that is, and the focus on giving something is a healthy way to feel useful. The simple gift of kindness and compassion can go a long way. Knowing we have some value enhances our self-esteem.
The humility and joy in feeling thankful for Life
While I have Life, I can whine about what bothers me, or I can feel the joy of being alive. This is a choice that I need to remember to make every day.
More Peace and Love in each person’s heart, and in this volatile world
I think that part of the essence of Life is contrast. Peace, Love, Compassion, Kindness, etc. are among the good qualities of people. Violence, hatred, apathy, meanness, etc. are among the bad qualities. I think we will always have both qualities, and I pray for more of the goodness to prevail. A friend recently sent me a story I am summarizing here:
An old Cherokee Indian is telling his grandson about a battle going on inside of him – a battle of two wolves. One is a good wolf who has all the good qualities in people, and in Life. The other is a bad wolf who has all the negative qualities. The young boy asks his grandfather which wolf will win. The old Cherokee replies, "the one I feed".
By BobiJo | December, 2002 |